Champions Uncovered - Ignite Greatness

Reaching Great Heights with Mount Everest Summiteer Lee Den Hond

Champions Uncovered Season 2 Episode 9

Be inspired to keep taking one step at a time and move your life to the next level in this Champions Uncovered podcast where host Carla Wasserfall interviews Lee Den Hond. 

Lee Den Hond  has  climbed and summited the highest mountain in the world, an award winning business woman and entrepreneur, sought-after keynote speaker, extreme athlete  and author of the book “what happens when you say yes!” and a difference maker. 

In this podcast, Lee Den Hond shares: 

  • What it takes for you to climb your highest mountain  
  • Key lessons to reaching your goals and activating courage
  • Inspiring you to make a decision today

Some of Lee’s most inspiring challenges that she has overcome

  • In 2013, she became the third South African woman to climb the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest and reach the summit.
  • Multiple full ironman events (3.8km ocean swim, 180km cycle and 42.2km marathon)
  • Marathon des Sables (a run in the desert 257km of heat, terrain)
  • Success in business: "South African Business Woman of the Year in the Entrepreneurial Category".

Lee continues to make a difference in the community with the Field of Dreams Foundation and lives with purpose impacting people’s lives and cheering others on by inspiring them to move. 

Listen to the podcast here.

This podcast is for you, if you want to move in the direction of your highest dreams and goals! 

You can contact Lee den Hond via her website

Champions Uncovered - igniting greatness within!